The Analysis Of Variance can be used in cases where there
are more than two groups for comparison. (ANOVA) simultaneously
compares the differences among sample means of more than two groups for a
one-factor experiment.
- Hypothesis 1 : μ1 = μ2= μ3 (there is no difference between the three means)
- Hypothesis 2: μ1 ≠ μ2 ≠ μ3 (there is a difference between the three means)
Example: You might use ANOVA to compare mean morphine
consumption between total knee replacement patients that received a femoral
nerve block, those that received a femoral and a popliteal nerve block, and
those that did not receive a nerve block of any kind.
Why Not Multiple T-Tests?
t-test can only be used to test differences between two
means. When there are more than two means conducting such multiple t-tests makes
the study complicated especially if there are large number of population groups
and in such circumstances we use ANOVA.
There are four basic assumptions used in ANOVA.
- the expected values of the errors are zero
- the variances of all errors are equal to each other
- the errors are independent
- they are normally distributed
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